BCFO’s Best is Yet to Come

BCFO’s Best is Yet to Come

Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks (BCFO) is completing 17 years of providing services to those with breast cancer-related needs. During the course of these years, Hooked on Dance has been the number one source of resources used to address these needs. Our benevolent community has come together once again to support BCFO’s mission of providing help and hope to local breast cancer patients and their families. Thank you each BCFO supporter who makes this work possible!

BCFO was founded in 2000 when Mary Beth O’Reilly discovered the injustice of a young woman in treatment for this disease without adequate resources for success. Missed work, piles of medical bills and a scanty personal support network combine to create a critical need met by the adaptable and specific assistance provided by BCFO. This organization now provides non-medical financial assistance to over one-third of those diagnosed with breast cancer in the Ozarks and countless others who seek information and solace.

The most exciting aspect of BCFO is not the work that has been completed but the work still left to do. Since inception, one of BCFO’s goals has been to create sustainability through an endowment. This endowment will allow the critical needs of local breast cancer patients and their families to continue to be met forever. This dream is close to reality as BCFO nears the end of two decades of service and stewardship.

Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly also believe BCFO’s remaining work is exciting. In fact, they have created a 100% matching gift of $500,000 at Community Foundation of the Ozarks (CFO) where other families and businesses can make an impact that lasts forever and bears their own family or business name. Donors can make a tax-deductible gift that benefits BCFO for the long term. BCFO then has an annual source of income that will grow over time through an endowed fund. CFO has committed to permanently hold these funds for BCFO to benefit those facing a breast cancer diagnosis.

Brian Fogle, CFO President shared the following example. A donor willing to contribute $10,000 as his or her own designated endowment for BCFO will immediately see the money doubled to $20,000 through the O’Reilly matching funds.

BCFO continues the daily work of providing an array of breast cancer related services to those in need across the Ozarks. BCFO provides mammograms for the uninsured, financial resources for those in treatment, funding for the special needs of children through the Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten Children’s Fund, support groups, mentoring and referral services. As we pursue the goal of ensuring that no one in our community ever faces this disease alone, please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your altruism and goodness – past, present and future.